Oakgrove Secondary School
Kents Hill Park Secondary School JAR_7500
Middleton - Year 5 trip 4
Oakgrove Teachers

Aims & Values

To ensure outstanding learning opportunities are provided for each and every child regardless of age, gender, need, faith or background.  To enrich lives socially, culturally, morally and spiritually and to ensure all children can take their place in a forward-thinking enlightened democracy.

The Trust will do this by ensuring each school:

  • Provides the very best in teaching and learning opportunities for every pupil
  • Has the highest expectations of what pupils can achieve
  • Promotes an ethos of high expectations, outstanding behaviour and care
  • Has an enriching and enabling, broad and balanced curricular and extra-curricular programme that supports outstanding personal development
  • Prepares and equips pupils well for the next stages of their school journey
  • Promotes and sustains the very best of British values, including fairness, equality, honesty, justice and service
  • Ensures pupils reach the highest possible standards in public examinations
  • Shares our vision, aims and values and actively promotes these