Oakgrove Teachers
Hockliffe Lower School JAR_7396
Middleton Primary School JAR_0807 (1)
Kents Hill Park Secondary School JAR_2180

Joining the Trust

Why join Kingsbridge Educational Trust?

There are a number of benefits in schools joining:

  • Opportunities to share expertise and best practice
  • Security of belonging to a larger organisation
  • Protection of the values, culture and uniqueness
  • Opportunities for financial support and capital investment
  • Opportunities for teaching staff and associate staff to share good practice and to benefit from a wider Continuing Professional Development programme that adds value to the educational experience of the pupils
  • Efficiencies in administrative functions such as finance, human resources and admissions, which can produce cost savings

Any school wishing to join the Trust is invited to complete an application form, which is available from the Clerk to the Board of Directors. If a school is accepted in principle, then a detailed timeline and development plan is developed. A ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ is also signed. There are three ‘stepping off’ points for a school where it can withdraw from the process up until the final ‘exchange of contracts’, normally around a month before completion. Local Authority maintained schools can only join on April 1st of each year, whilst existing academy schools can join at any time.

To request an application form, please email the Clerk to the Board of Directors at:

Costs to Join

There are two sets of costs. The first is the legal cost associated with each project. For an average sized primary school, currently within a Local Authority, these are likely to be in the region of £6,000. The Trust uses Stone King solicitors. The Local Authority will then charge an additional £5,000 to cover their costs.

The second is an optional cost. Drawing up the timeline, advising governors, ensuring appropriate resolutions are passed and managing the whole project can be organised through the Kingsbridge Educational Trust. The cost of this is likely to be around £8,000. This takes all the logistical demands away from the Governing Body although they would be kept informed throughout the process. Alternatively, a school can do it themselves and liaise directly with solicitors. The legal costs will be higher if Stone King are expected to advise during the process.

Get in Touch

For further information on joining Kingsbridge Educational Trust, please email the CEO, Peter Barnes at: