Kents Hill Park Secondary School JAR_7661
Middleton Primary School JAR_1235 (1)
Oakgrove School July 2023 JAR_6866
In This Section


In year applications for September 2023/24

Applications for an in year admission for September 2023 can be made from the beginning of June 2023.

Please find below the links to the Kingsbridge Educational Trust (KET) Schools Application Forms. These forms can be used to apply for places at all KET Schools.

KET Primary In-Year Admission form 2023-24

KET Secondary In-Year Admission form 2023-24

To complete the editable PDF on a phone/tablet/computer, you will need to complete the form and then using ‘save as’ save it on to the device you are using. The completed form should be emailed with the other supporting documentation (as listed on the application form) to


Where the current year group is full:

Please note that initially in response to the application you will receive a turn down letter as the current year groups are full.  Should there be any vacancies offers are made from the top of the waiting list.   The waiting list will be operated in accordance with the admissions criteria and length of time on the list is not a factor in offering a place. The waiting list will be held for the remainder of the academic year (closing end of the Summer term – July 2024).

A child’s position on the waiting list can therefore change over time if new applicants are added to the list who have a higher priority for admissions; or children currently higher on the list withdraw their application.

Being on the waiting list does not guarantee a place at the school. 

Applications and Appeals are not processed during the school holidays.