Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School

Authors Share with Students how to Inspire their Imaginations

Book Week Bookmark winners and Highly Commended

13 December 2018

Julia Golding, multi-award-winning author of over 50 books, which range from historical adventure to fantasy, has visited Oakgrove School to talk to students about creating fictional characters, developing plots and building suspense.

As part of the school’s annual Book Week, the writer gave a presentation on the science behind her latest novel ‘The Curious Crime’, which is set in a Victorian museum and features living exhibits, including a Dodo and other unusual animals. She then took the time to work with 25 of the school’s enthusiastic creative writers and signed books, which students had purchased at the Oakgrove’s Book Fair.

Older students enjoyed a presentation by another award winning author, Mark Walden, who wrote the brilliant H.I.V.E. and Earthfall series of books.  Mark enthralled the students with his extensive knowledge of fictional villains from many varied genres.  It was clear that the writer had encouraged lots of students to read for enjoyment, as his books flew off the shelves following his visit.

The school also ran a ‘Design a Book Mark’ competition, which was very popular with younger students. There were three winners and another student who was highly commended for her design. The students won a book token for their efforts.

Commission from the Book Fair will be used to purchase some exciting new titles for students to loan from the School Library.