Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School
Oakgrove Secondary School

MK’s Next Generation Collaborate on the Future of their City

MK Futures 2050(2)

13 April 2019

Kents Hill Park’s pupils shared their inspired and thought provoking ideas on how a more successful city centre in Milton Keynes can be created for young people, when the school hosted an MK Futures 2050 event, which focused on ‘Renaissance:CMK’ and ‘The Creative and Cultured City’.

Following a presentation by MK Futures 2050 on the exciting plans already afoot for the growth of Milton Keynes, the pupils worked in teams with others from Denbigh, MK Academy and Radcliffe schools and were encouraged to present their ideas on how they would showcase Milton Keynes in a forthcoming ‘Festival of Creative Urban Living’.

The MK Futures 2050 team were so impressed with the creative ideas that each of the groups of pupils had devised for the festival, that they invited them all to MK Gallery for a VIP visit, as a collective prize for their efforts.

It was a pleasure to hold this motivating and informative event at Kents Hill Park School.” Headteacher, James Pilgrim, said.

“The pupils were excited to be given the opportunity to think about what residents and visitors would like to experience in a festival celebrating living, working and socialising in MK and to voice their opinions on how CMK could be shaped into a dynamic and vibrant city in years to come.”

This was the third and final part of MK Futures 2050 ‘Forging the Future’ engagement programme for schools.