News from KET schools in Insight Magazine

A visit by the Prime Minister to Middleton School, Kents Hill Park feature in a new book and a variety of outstanding attainment results are just some of the good news stories featured in this term’s edition of the Kingsbridge Educational Trust’s magazine, Insight. Insight Magazine, Issue 4  

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Become a School Governor at Monkston Primary

School Governors make a valuable contribution to children’s education, opportunities and futures. They are responsible for shaping the strategic direction of the school and act as a ‘critical friend’. Find out more….

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KET Primary Scales the Heights of the DfE Performance Tables

18 December 2019 Pupils at Monkston School are celebrating achieving the best average SATs scores in reading and mathematics in Milton Keynes and for being ranked 18th out of 20,553 schools nationally for the percentage of pupils achieving a combined greater depth score. Published in the Department for Education’s overall performance tables, Monkston’s results show how…

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Oakgrove Wins ‘Secondary School Sports Achiever of the Year 2019’

20 December 2019   In recognition of Oakgrove’s exceptional sporting achievements in 2019, the school was presented with Sport MK’s Secondary School Award at this year’s ceremony. The annual event is held to acknowledge outstanding amateur achievements in sport, either through personal performance or through a contribution an individual may make as an organiser and…

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Students’ Creative Artworks to Mark Armistice Day

11 November 2019 A display of ceramic poppies, clearly visible from the main road, has been put on display by Oakgrove School students to honour the armed forces who lost their lives during and since World War One. From last year’s Armistice Day to this, students have worked on a variety of artworks, including a…

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KET Primary Best School in MK Once Again

17 December 2019 For the second year running, Middleton Primary School has been ranked first for attainment in Milton Keynes, in the Department for Education performance tables. Middleton has also been placed as the 8th highest performing large primary in the country for its Key Stage 2 SATs results. A fantastic early Christmas present for…

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson Visits Middleton

25 October 2019 Prime Minister Boris Johnson toured Middleton School accompanied by two Year 6 pupils. He observed children solving problems on laptops, joined in with a creative art class and answered questions from Middleton’s Pupil Voice.    

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Astronaut’s Out of this World Visit to Oakgrove

11 October 2019 What is it like to eat, sleep and go to the toilet in space were all important questions needing answering, when astronaut Don Thomas visited Oakgrove School. The Ohio born astronaut, who has flown four space shuttle missions during his 20 year career with NASA, explained to pupils how gravity affects the…

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Government Recognition for Outstanding GCSE Attainment

22 August 2019 The sun was certainly shining on Oakgrove students when they received their GCSE results and were congratulated by Schools Minister Lord Agnew. An impressive 76.5% of students achieved grades 9 – 4 in English and Mathematics, with over 20% of all GCSEs being graded 9-7. The student’s strong performance in their GCSEs…

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Minister Congratulates A Level Students

15 August 2019 Students, staff and parents at Oakgrove School have celebrated an increase in attainment across all A Level subjects and applied courses and were delighted with the recognition from Schools Minister Lord Agnew of Oulton. The number of students awarded A level grades A* – B has risen by 6%, with over 80%…

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